Resources - Healthcare/EMS

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This page was last reviewed and updated on Aug 24th, 2024

Respiratory Clinical and Surge Guidance

2024 Pediatric Fall Respiratory Refresher Course (NWHRN)

Pediatric Surge Crisis Response (EIIC and PPN)

Nov 2022: Surge in Acute Pediatric Respiratory Illness Update and Strategies Webinar (NYC Pediatric Disaster Coalition)

Pediatric Surge Technical Assistance Resource (ASPR-TRACIE)

Pediatric Surge Recommendations (Pediatric Pandemic Network)

Keep pediatric-specific supplies stocked (see the Critical Supply List Region V for Kids)

Recognition and Management of Pediatric Respiratory Distress video playlist (OpenPediatrics)

Pediatric Surge Resources (WRAP-EM)

Don't Forget the Bubbles: Managing a Busy Emergency Department

The Respiratory Surge - how to manage a busy ED

High Flow Help (DFTB)

Children's Colorado Clinical Pathways

UpToDate COVID-19 Management in Children:

Yale New Haven Children's Clinical Pathways

Children's of Philadelphia Clinical Pathways:

Pediatric Cross Training for Community Hospitals and Providers

OpenPediatrics (FREE)

Pediatric Acute Care Education Sessions PACES Playlist (UC Davis)

Pediatric Surge Playbook (WRAPEM)

Sepsis and Children (The Sepsis Alliance)

Pediatric Acute Care Education Sessions PACES JIT Playlist (UC Davis)

RSV for Healthcare Providers: Children and Adults (CDC)

EIIC Resources

How to use a nebulizer, pediatric (Elsevier Patient Education)

The Pediatric Emergency Playbook (EM together):

Clinical Pathway Library (Children's Philadelphia)

Pediatric Emergency Medicine (NHS)


ACEP Simbox

WRAP-EM JIT Handbook for Adult Providers

Pediatric ED and EMS Everyday Readiness

National Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Program (EIIC):

National Pediatric Readiness Program (EIIC):

Pediatric Readiness: Every Child, Every Day (EIIC):

Leveling the Playing Field A Pediatric Disaster Education Concept of Operations:

Pediatric Readiness Program Education (Oregon Health Department)

Evacuation and Sheltering

National Pediatric Conference Significant Event Readiness (2022 Mass Evacuation Afteraction)

California Patient Movement Plan Video Playlist (California EMSA)

NICU Evacuation Guide 2009 (EMSC Illinois ad IDPH)

Reunification Following Disasters (AAP)

Creating Safe Family-Friendly Spaces in Emergency Shelters (CDC):

Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) Toolkit (CDC):

Red Cross Responds to Disasters (ARC):

RCRC Toolkit: Emergency Shelters and Housing Security

RCRC/Save the Children Best Practices for Emergency Shelters

Child Care Prepare: Infant Toddler Emergency Evacuation (Childcare Aware)

Safe Transport of Children (NASEMSO)

Evacuation of Children from Conflict Zones (Save the Children)

Pediatric Disaster Care Centers of Excellence

Pediatric Pandemic Network (PPN)

The Gulf 7 – Pediatric Disaster Network

Region V for Kids

Western Regional Alliance for Pediatric Emergency Management WRAP-EM

Pediatric Disaster Exercise Templates and Scenarios

AAP Exercise Toolkit (with scenarios)

Pediatric Hospital Tabletop toolkit (New York Pediatric Disaster Coalition)

AAP DisasterCast (webinar presentations)

EIIC Pediatric Disaster Collaborative TTX

Region V for Kids PMOCC virtual exercises

Pediatric Disaster Operations Planning

Pediatric Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Tool (Region V for Kids)

Pediatric Annex for Hospital Emergency Operations Plan (Oregon)

Alameda County California Pediatric Surge Plan Template

Los Angeles County Pediatric Surge Plan

NYC Pediatric Disaster Healthcare Coalition Toolkits

Pediatric and Neonatal Surge Annex (ESF8 Illinois):

Rady Children's Surge Planning Train the Trainer

California Pediatric Surge Annex:

ASPR TRACIE Pediatric Surge Annex Webinar

WNY Pediatric Surge Work Group (ppt)

Pediatric (Non-PICU) Hospital Surge Plan Guidelines (New York):

Pediatric Legal Issues & Crisis Standards of Care

Western Regional Alliance for Pediatric Emergency Management (WRAPEM) Legal Resource Guide (Sept 2021):

Pediatric Crisis Standards of Care Webinar (PPN)

Crisis Standards of Care Resources (WRAP-EM)

Crisis Standards of Care Events Discussions (WRAPEM/RegionVforKids)

ASPR TRACIE Technical Assistance Pediatric Crisis Standards of Care (2021)

Pediatric Surge Crisis Standards of Care (module) Minnesota

Patient Care Scarce Resource Strategies (Minnesota)

Crisis Standards of Care - Pediatrics (Nebraska)

Scarce Resource Management & Crisis Standards of Care Adult and Pediatrics (Washington Dept of Health)

Arizona Crisis Standards of Care Plan 2020 (Includes Pediatrics):

Vaccine and Vaccination for Children

CDC: Intramuscular Injection (video): Supplies Preparation (Children Birth to 18 years)

CDC: Intramuscular Injection Sites (video): (Infant to Adult)

CDC eLearn Course: Immunization: You Call the Shots-Module Eighteen- Vaccine Administration (e-Learn) 2021

CDC: Vaccine Administration Module (interactive):

Parkland Health (video): Preparing your child for vaccination

Pediatric Data Sources for Emergency Planning

Child Development Data and Statistics (CDC)

The State of Children's Health Dashboard (Children's Hospital Association)

National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NRVESS) (data on RSV and other viruses)

CDC FluView (weekly influenza surveillance report)

Disease Tracking Data (EIIC)

KidsCount National Data (Anne Casey Foundation)

KidsData (California)

K-12 School Shooting Database

National EMS Information System (NEMSIS):

Heat Related EMS Activation Surveillance Dashboard (NEMSIS):

Prehospital Readiness and Surge

Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Toolkit and Checklist (EIIC)

National Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project (EIIC)

Prehospital Pediatric Care Course (New York) Simulation Scenarios

Pediatric Readiness in Emergency Medical Services Systems (AAP)

YouTube HandTevy Videos

ReelDx Public Cases Learning Videos

Perinatal & NICU Disaster Readiness

Stanford OB Disaster Planning Toolkit:

Neonatal Disaster Preparedness Toolkit (California Association of Neonatologists)

NICU/Nursery Evacuation Tabletop Exercise Toolkit (EMSC Illinois and IDPH):

American College of OB/GYN (ACOG) Hospital Disaster Preparedness for Maternity Care COVID-19 Obstetric Preparedness

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Evacuation Guidelines (EMSC Illinois and IDPH):

CDC Disaster Safety for Expecting and New Parents

Loma Linda Pediatric Neonatal Disaster Reference Guide

Pediatric Disaster Reunification Resources

Family Reunification Learning Modules (Region V for Kids)

Children Separated by Disaster: Reunification Challenges and Resources Webinar

Family Reunification Following Disasters Toolkit (AAP):

Hospital Reception Site Planning Template

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

I Love U Guys Foundation Standard Reunification Method for Schools

FBI: Lessons Learned in Reunification of Children During Active Shooter Events From In the Aftermath via

Unaccompanied Minor Reunification Fillable Checklist (EMSC Illinois)

Post-Disaster Reunification of Children: A Nationwide Approach (FEMA)

Pediatric Surge/Emergency Care Equipment & Supply Chain

Pediatric Critical Supply Chain Guidance (Region V for Kids):

Healthcare Ready (Supply Chain VOAD):

Resources Recommended for the Care of Pediatric Patients in Hospitals (AAP):

Pediatric Equipment Toolkit (EIIC):

Pediatric Equipment (EMSC Massachusettes)

Pediatric Disaster & Emergency Triage Systems

JumpSTART Pediatric Triage Algorithm

SALT (Sort, Assess, Lifesaving Interventions, Treatment/Transport)

60 Seconds to Survival Disaster Triage (Online Sim)

Pediatric Early Warning Score (Children's Minnesota) Pre-learning Information

Detecting Pediatric Patient Deterioration Using PEWS (MD Anderson)

TRAIN: Triage by Resource Allocation for INpatients: Matching medical transport to patient need

Emergency Severity Index Handbook 5th Edition (includes pediatric)

PsySTART: Psychological Simple Treatment and Rapid Triage:

Pediatric SOFA Score

Pediatric Medical Countermeasures and Decontamination

Pediatric Medical Countermeasures Resources for Public Health Preparedness (FDA)

Pediatric Countermeasures: Considerations for Bioterrorism Emergencies (FDA):

Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management (CHEMM)

How to Perform Patient Decontamination A Picture Guide(CHLA)

Chemical Surge Planning: Pediatric Considerations (WRAP-EM)

The Decontamination of Children (Children's Boston)

Pediatric Decontamination Checklist (Lurie Children's)

Advantages of Dry Decontamination (Central HazMat Team)

Medical Countermeasures for Children in Radiation and Nuclear Disasters: Current Capabilities and Key Gaps

Medical Countermeasures: Antidotes and Cytokines for Radiological and Nuclear Incidents and Terrorism (Cambridge Press)

Pediatric and Adult Burn Operations

Western Region Burn Disaster Consortium: Mass Casualty Operations Plan

Healthcare Coalition Burn Surge Annex (ASPR)

Pediatric Response Burn Surge Resources (Minnesota)

Minnesota Burn Surge Plans and Education

Pediatric Burn Surge Bridging Readiness Gaps (ppt)

Burn Awareness for Families (NFPA)

Preventing Burn Injuries (Children's National)

Pediatric Emergency Care Training

Pediatric Surge Video Series: Trauma, Triage, Decon, Non-Trauma Disaster, Crisis Care, CYSHCN, and Incident Management. (Minnesota Dept of Health)

Pediatric Acute Care Education Sessions PACES (UC Davis)

PACES YouTube JIT Playlist:

Translating Emergency Knowledge for Kids (TREKK)


OpenWHO Training


Pediatric Critical Care Society PICU Procedure Training

Don't Forget the Bubbles Learning
Getting Started:

National and State Emergency Medical Services for Children Initiatives

EMSC Innovation and Improvement Center

EMSC Toolkits

National Pediatric Readiness Project

Pediatric Readiness Quality Collaborative

Children's Emergency Care Alliance (EMSC Tennesee) Hospital and EMS Resources

Pediatric Disaster Preparedness

Emergency Medical Services for Children Data Center (EDC)

Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Disaster Resources

Pediatric Disaster Preparedness and Response Topical Collection (AAP)

Children and Disaster (AAP)

Children's & Disasters Council Building Resilience

Disasters and Your Children: