Resources - Threats and Hazards

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This page was last reviewed and updated on Aug 24th, 2024

Children & Disaster Threat, Hazard/Risk Assessment and Resilience

Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Template (Region V for Kids)

Children and Disaster Hazard Awareness All-Hazards Infographic (Region V for Kids)

Finding a New Normal: Life After a Natural Disaster (CDC)

Understanding the Impacts of Natural Disasters on Children (SRCD):

Climate and Resilience Portal (Center for Climate Resilience and Decision Science)

Weather and climate resources (NOAA)

Children Count in Disasters (Natural Hazards Center)

Children and Youth Preparedness Social Media Toolkit

Man-Made Disasters (Child Life Disaster Relief)

Resilient Nation Partnership Network (FEMA)

Storytelling to Promote Action: The Big One (PrepTalks FEMA)

Mosquito and Tick Borne Diseases

Tick-and Mosquito-Borne Diseases in Children (Nationwide Children's):

Climate Change: Ticks, Mosquitos and Children's Health (APHA Environmental)

How to Choose an Insect Repellent for Your Child (Healthy Children/AAP):

Eastern Equine Encephalitis aka Triple E (Boston Childrens):

Eastern Equine Encephalitis (CDC)

Dengue Fever (Nemours KidsHealth):

DEET and children (EPA)

How to Apply Bug Repellent to Kids (Mass Gov):

Get the tips! Stop the ticks. Prevent Tick Bites. video (CDC):

How To Do A Tick Check (video)

How to Remove a Tick from a Child ) Healthy Children/AAP):

Buggin’ Out: A Parent’s Guide to Mosquitos and Tick Disease (Le Bonheur Children’s):

Medical Isolation and High Risk Diseases

Peyton the Penguin Explains High Consequence Pathogens (Chirp Team)

Personal Protective Equipment - Protecting Ourselves from the Bad Germs (Chirp Team)

Ambulance Adventures: What to Expect on a Ride to the Hospital! (Chirp Team)

Timmy Ambulance Ride (Chirp Team)

Wildfire/Fire Works/Smoke/Air Pollution

Why is CoCo Red (AirNow)

Why is CoCo Orange (AirNow)

Clean and Dirty Air (AirNow)

Air Quality and Outdoor Activity Guidance for Schools (AirNow)

Evacuating Under Fire: Children with Special Healthcare Needs in Disaster (Natural Hazards Center)

The Big Disaster: The Big Burn podcast series (NPR):

Smokey for Kids Preventing Wildfires (Smokey Bear):

Sparky's Fire Safety Club (NFPA)

Wildfires (FEMA Ready Kids)

Wildfires (CDC)

Wildfires: What Parents Need to Know (AAP)

Wildfire Resources (The National Child Traumatic Stress Center)

Environmental Hazards for Children in the Aftermath of Wildfires (PEHSU/AAP)

Children's Health and Wildfire Smoke Exposure Workshop Recommendations (AirNow)

Ready Wrigley Prepares for Wildfires and Smoke (CDC) (English)

FireWorks Educational Program K-12 (US Forest Service)

Hurricane/Tornado/Dust (Haboob) Storms

On the Road to Routine: Disruption and Recovery After Hurricanes (Natural Hazards Center)

Be Hurricane Ready (Texas Children's)

Sesame Street Goes Through A Storm (Sesame Street)

Trinka and Sam: The Rainy Windy Day (NCTSN)

#HurricaneStrong for Kids(FLASH: A NOAA partner)

Supporting Children in All the Spheres of Their Lives: Lessons from Katrina (Natural Hazards Center)

Witness a Mock Tornado Drill Hunter Elementary (video)

Hurricanes & Floods: (HealthyChildren/AAP) Taking Care of Your Children and Yourself:

Still At Risk U.S. Children 10 Years After Hurricane Katrina (Save The Children)

Hurricane Resources National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)

Hurricanes (CDC)

Hurricanes (FEMA Ready Kids)

Tornado Resources National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)

10 Tornado Safety Tips to Keep Kids Safe (Save the Children)

Tornados (CDC)

Dust Storms and Haboobs (NOAA/NWS)

Children and Dust (

Protecting People from Sand and Dust Storms (WMO)

Is The Dust Bowl Happening Again? (PBS Terra)

WindStorm Resources (NCTSN)

Dust Storms (NSW)

Severe Weather/Blizzard/Snow/Heat/Climate Change

Severe Weather Emergencies (CDC)

Weather STEM Lesson: Severe Weather Lightening Awareness (WeatherSTEM Scholar)

Heat and Infants and Children (CDC)

Extreme Temperatures: Disaster Management Resources (AAP)

No Heat Stroke (Dashboard)

Parents and Coaches Guide to Dehydration and Heat Illness in Children (National Safe Kids Campaign and NATA)

Winter Weather (FEMA Ready Kids)

18 Winter Tips for Parents and Children (Childhood Preparedness)

Playing outside in the Winter (AAP Healthy Children):

Artic Cold Front: Preparing Your Children for the Coldest Temperatures of the Season (Cook Childrens)

Winter Safety Tips for Parents and Children (NLM)

Ready Wrigley Preparedness for Extreme Heat (English/Spanish): (CDC)

Hot Car Resources (Kids and Cars)

Climate Resiliency in Your Community Activity Book (NOAA)

Legacy of disasters: The impact of climate change on children (Save the Children)


Rocket Earthquake Safety: ( & Hero In You Foundation)

Earthquake Safety: How to Teach Your Child About Earthquakes (Red Cross)

Sample Earthquake Drill: Drop, Cover, and Hold On (UCSF)

The Great ShakeOut Website (

Earthquake Country Alliance:

The Big One: Your Survival Guide Podcast Series (NPR)

Earthquakes (FEMA Ready Kids)

Earthquakes Before, During and After (CDC)

Earthquake Resources (NCTSN)

Ready Wrigley Book Earthquake (CDC) English/Spanish

10 Earthquake Safety Tips to Keep Children Safe (Save the Children)

Earthquakes for Kids (USGS)

Staying Safe in an Earthquake (Rocket Rules Safety Program) Video

Kids Earthquake Safety - (Disaster Dodgers) Video

Earthquakes What Every Child Provider Should Know (FEMA)

Tsunamis (FEMA Ready Kids)

Tsunami Smart Kids (Caribbean Disaster EMA)

10 Tsunami Safety Tips to Keep Children Safe (Save The Children)

Tsunamis and your Safety (CDC)

Tsunami Resources (NCTSN)

World Tsunami Awareness Day: Activation Toolkit

Flooding/Landslides/Dam Failure

Floods and Your Safety (CDC)

Flood Ready: Owly explains flood risks for children playlist series (PEHSU)

Floods (FEMA Ready Kids)

Hurricanes & Floods: (HealthyChildren/AAP) Taking Care of Your Children and Yourself:

Flooding Aftermath & Children's Health (PEHSU)

Flooding Resources (NCTSN)

Flash Flood Recovery Information for Families (HealthyChildren/AAP)

Landslide Resources (NCTSN)

Landslides and Mudslides and Your Safety (CDC)

Landslides Lesson for Kids (

Earth Observatory for Kids (NASA)

Dam Safety With Beaverly (FEMA Activity Book)

Active Shooter/Blast Trauma/Civil Unrest

Best Practice Considerations for Armed Assailant Drills in Schools (NASP)

Participation of Children and Adolescents in Live Crisis Drills and Exercises: Policy Statement (AAP)

Be SMART Secure Gun Storage (Be SMART For Kids):

Checklist to Help Prevent Violence in Schools (PTA)

Lockdown Drills Self Paced Training Highlights (NCSS)

The Bullet Points Project

Averting Targeted School Violence: A US Secret Service Analysis of Plots against Schools

Mass Shooting Protocol & Playbook for Mayors and City Managers

K-12 Standard Response Protocol (Iloveuguys Foundation)

K-12 School Shooting Database (The violence project)

Creating School Active Shooter Intruder Drills (NCSTN)

Active Shooter Resources (FBI)

Mass Shooter Database (The Violence Project)

Oklahoma City Bombing (FBI)

Paediatric Blast Injury Field Manual (Save the Children)

Paediatric Blast Injury Field Manual (Center for Blast Injuries Studies) muli-lingual resource

Beirut Explosion: One Year Later, One Family's Story (Save the Children)

Pediatric Blast Trauma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Factors Associated with Mortality and Description of Injury Profiles (May 2022)

Planning for Civil Unrest (AAP webinar)

TearGas and Children Fact Sheet (WRAPEM)


Radiation Emergencies and Children (CDC)

Pediatric Considerations Before, During, and After Radiological or Nuclear Emergencies Technical Report (AAP)

Planning Guidance for Response to Nuclear Detonation (FEMA)

Children and Radiation Training (WHO)

Children of the Atomic Bomb (UCLA)

Radiation Emergency Medical Management (REMM):
Infants and Children-
Pregnant Women and Fetus -

Pediatric Medical Countermeasures Resources for Public Health Preparedness (FDA)

Radiation Emergencies and Children (CDC)

Medical Countermeasures for Children in Radiation and Nuclear Disasters: Current Capabilities and Key Gaps

Radiation Injury Treatment Network (RITN)

National Alliance for Radiation Readiness:

Radon Toxicity (CDC)

Radon in Schools and Childcare: (

Radon and Children's Health (Oregon Health)

What are the Health Effects of Radon (EPA)


Pediatric Chemical Surge Workshop Video Series (Pediatric Pandemic Network)

The Decontamination of Children (Children's Boston)

Wally the Wise Guy (Deer Park Texas) website coloring book

Learning and Teaching About the Environment (EPA)

Teens in a Toxic Environment: Lessons from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (Natural Hazards Center)

Public Health Research and Surveillance Priorities from the East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment: A Recorded Workshop (NASEM)

Medical Countermeasures- Expanding Delivery and Increasing Uptake Through Public-Private Partnerships: A Workshop Series (NASEM)

Chemical Emergencies and Children (CDC)

Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit National Classroom

Decontamination: Disaster Management Resources (AAP)

Preparation for Terrorist Threats: Biologic and Chemical Agents (article)

National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center (NETEC)

Pediatric Medical Countermeasures Resources for Public Health Preparedness (FDA)

Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management (CHEMM)


Volcanos (Ready Kids):

What to Do Before, During, and After a Volcanic Eruption (MAT-SU):

Be Ready for the Next Volcanic Event (USGS):

Volcano Safety Tips (Red Cross):

Talking about Disasters: Volcanos (Red Cross):

Protecting Children's Health During and After Natural Disasters: Wildfires and Volcanic Ash (EPA):

Cyber and Digital Safety

Kids & Screen Time: How to Use the 5 C's of Media Guidance (AAP)

NetSmatz (NCMEC)

Parenting, Media, and Everything in Between (Common Sense Media)

A Parent's Guide To Ensuring Their Children's Digital Privacy (Masters of Legal Studies)

We Can Secure Our World (CISA) Playlist

Internet Safety for Kids (Consumer Notice)

Keeping Children Safe Online (CISA)

Family and Educator Resources (Savvy Cyber Kids)